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Use a code on book purchase for a $5 discount & create a $5 per book Red donation to:

River Junior Race Team (STOKES)

Red River Historical Society (HISTORY)
Red River Community House (HOUSE)
Red River Library (BOOK)
Red River Valley Charter School (SCHOOL)
Red River Off Road (TRAILS)
Wheeler Peak Fire District (WHEELER)
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**Now you can use Paypal's PayLater at checkout to spread order payment over four months. Checks are okay, too!**


Books will be shipped for approximate two week delivery directly from Amazon Publishing.  We take checks!!  Increase units desired at checkout if you are using a Red River fundraising code, order 1 unit first, add to cart, and increase quantity desired there)!  



8.5x11, soft cover book of 160 pages (1 lbs. 3oz.),

-over 400 postcard views of Red River Valley, through the years,

-40 back side messages (they read like notes from your own family),

-several 1950-70s commercial flyers promoting the area,

-added photos from long time valley residents,

-40 historic video views and memories of the tourist industry pioneers describing the early years as a resort (these will be viewable using a QR code link and will be downloadable or available on a CD which will be listed separately) including the original RRSA promo movie, views from Powder Puff, and archived 8mm film, and a small sample of music that echoed thru the valley 50 years ago.

-Added notes from the Taos News and books by the pioneers,

-notes from the author.


For more info contact me at, a message via this web store or at my Facebook page, Red River Dreams.

$5 OFF Fund Raiser- "Rainbows & Echoes" Printed Postcard Book


    ......Come Visit Red River City 8750

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